
Features of Ikes PREMIUM for macOS

Text recognition (OCR)

With the new text recognition feature, you can convert text contained in new or existing images into text and add it to the caption.

Supported languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, 簡体字, 繁体字



New Sparkle colors are added. You can filter your ideas that appear in the app.


UI color scheme can be fixed to Light or Dark even if the system setting is Dark mode or Light mode.

Batch export


You can export a list of ideas together, displayed in the Tags and Sources tab.

You can choose not only text format, but also CSV and TSV formats that can be displayed in a spreadsheet. If images are included, they will be exported as a ZIP file.

You can choose to include timestamps, sources, tags, and images in the exported file or not.

Search options


An image filter button and a time sort button are added to the search bar.

Batch export of tag/source


Have you ever wanted to change the name of a tag or source later? You can change the name of tags and sources which have been set to multiple ideas.

Single payment unlock PREMIUM for your iPhone/iPad too.


iCloud allows you to synchronize your ideas across iPhones, iPads, and Macs logged in with the same Apple ID. Once you purchase PREMIUM, all PREMIUM features will be unlocked on all your devices.